Sorry för tomt inlägg... AGAIN!!!!

Nialls Point of View:
"That u gave me ur number was probably a mistake and I still can't belive it... Hm... Im Amy btw :)" The text on the screen is hypnotising me and I sit breathless on my bed. Amy... I text her back:"Nope, no mistake! Do u wanna go on a date 2nite? ;)" she relpies almost ideamitley. "Yeah sure... So wierd... Niall James Horan asks me on a date... When & where?" I laugh when I see that she knows my middle name. But she didn't fangirl infront of me so maybye she isn't so dedicated. I hope... I answer her with a smile on my face."U know my middle name? Haha =P... I'll pick you up at eight at the payphone we met at the first time?" she replies as fast as the last time: "Sure"
I drove to the payphone we'd met at last time. I arrive early but she is earlier. She is wering a short blue dress and her hair is perfectly 'Hollywood curls'. She is barley wearing any make-up at all.
"Hi" I say.
"Ehm..H-hi" She answers starring at me.
"Are you a big fan?" I ask.
"Kinda... B-but my sisters are r-really d-dedicated" She stutters.
"Ok" I say.
"Um... W-where are we g-going?" She asks quietly. 
"Thats a suprise" I say and smile. We sit in the car and I drive to the resturant I've selected. We walk inside. We sit down at a table and order our food.
"So... As you know my middle name and last name, whats yours?" I ask. She giggles low and smile.
"My name is Amy Justine Bells" She says and keeps smiling.
"Justine Bells?" I ask. She looks away with a light pink colour on her cheecks.
"Yeah... Guess what my friends call me" She says and roll her eyes.
"Are you a beliber?" I ask."Well I'm one" She laughs.
"Yep... So my friends usally call me JB" She smiles again. This girl is really adoreble. I think I'm in love...

A/N: Here's kapitel 34!!!!! Hope you still like :) Så... Idag äre fredag YEAY!!!!! Haha nä men jag har sett fram emot helgen faktiskt. Håller på att läsa 'Eld' just nu av Mats Strandberg & Sara Bergmark Elfgren. Jag fattar inte hur jag kunnat vänta så länga innan jag började läsa den. Luv it <3 Däremot har jag inte kommit så långt på mina andra böcker...(Vampire Academy, Wither, City of Ashes & Fire(fortsättningen på graceling)) Hm... Har inge bråttom idag för jag börjar nio och klockan är ju typ bara 7 så... Åh juste! Vet ni en så sjuuuuuuukt onödig sak? Vi har vår tidigaste sluttid på onsdagar! Vi slutar typ 15:05 på fredagar men på onsdagar slutar vi typ 14:00.... Gawd va jag stör mig på det! Idrott idag, ett ämne jag inte är så bra på... Och bild! Fast vi har ju iofs spanska, engelska, svenska & So idag så jag överlever ;) hahahahahahaha.... Kay så nu ska jag läsa en stund innan skolan, Luv yah <3
"Love doesn't come in a minute, sometimes it doesn't come at all. I only know that when I'm in it. It isn't silly, no it isn't silly, love isn't silly at all" /Bebsta' ;D


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