My body feels I'm on my knees praying- chapter 34 & 35 +personbeskrivningar

Elyzes Point of View:
I wake up, still holding Louis hand. The storm is over but it's still dark outside. It's probably in the middle of the night. I check that Louis is breathing before I do anything else.
"Louis?" I say and presses his hand lightly. Nothing happens. I put my arms around him. "Lou" I try again. I look for my phone. I find it. I look at the screen where the text says: "One missed call" I check the number. It's the one from the hospital. "OH. MY. GOD! It must be good news!... I haven't even visited her for days and I wasn't even there... It can't be happening!" I decide to call 112, (A/N: osäker igen om det är rätt men det står det på nätet...& vet dessutom inte vad som händer om man ringer dit så...) and a guy answers directly.
"Hello, whats your name and what happend?" He asks.
"My name is Elyze and me and my boyfriend was out driving like some hours ago... I don't know how long ago... So we were driving here on the highway and suddently we run out of gas, then a lightning hit our car... And um the emergency is that my boyfriends is unconsious" I say quikly.
"I see... So do you know where you are?" He asks.
"There are no road-signs?" He asks.
"No" I answer again.
"Okay, so we are gonna track your phone, it'll take about three minutes so hang on" He says.
"Ok" I breathe. Still holding the phone I try to wake Louis again. He still don't wake and I sight again.
"We're finished now, we'll be where you are in about twenty minutes, don't go anywhere. Make sure that your boyfriend keep breathing and that he's warm. That's pretty much all advise I can give you right now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call again. Oh and is there any persons we should message?" 
"Yes please, could you call our friend Niall Horan and tell him that we're okay?" I ask.
"Yes we could do that... Can you tell us Mr.Horans number?"
Nialls Point of View:
"What did they say?" Liam asks.
"That Ellie and Lou have been hit by a lightning" I say. I'm really tired and the clock is two in the morning.
"What? Are they okay?" Zayn asks chocked.
"Louis is uncounsious right now and they're waiting for someone to come and pick them up."
"And all this because of a stupid table" Liam says.
"We all learned a lesson, never buy tables" Zayn tries to joke but nobody laughes.
Louis Point of View:
"Louis" People screams everywhere. I sink into the cold deep blue water. I try to swim but I can't move. White lights flash infront of my eyes. I hear sirens in the distance. I see a lots of memories. My audition for x-factor.When we wer put togheter as a band. Video diaries. Interviews. America-tour. It's all a blurry mess in my head. But there are a few clear memories too. And she's in all of them.
Elyzes Point of View:
 My life is over. No actully not mine, but moms. I can't belive I've been so selfish. I haven't even visited her and now she's gone. I should have texted her or called at least every day, but now it's too late. And with Louis uncounsious in front of me eyes right now don't bring me in a better moode. The doctor and nurses really have trying to make me go home and sleep, but I keep refusing it. If I'm gonna lose someone more I at least gonna be there. 
I'm half asleep when I see he opens his eyes.
"Louis" I say loud and happily.
"Elyze" He whipers in a low tone. I almost run over to him and sit down next to his bed. I kiss him slowly and he answers it passionatley. We pull away and stares into each others eyes. A pefect moment that needs no words. Perfect because of him.
Name: Adam Noah Johnson
Age: 17, soon 18
Height: 179,8 cm
Hair-colour: Blonde with brown highlights
Eye-colour: Brown
Favorite colour: Light purple
Status: Single
Hi! I'm Adam. I live in London with my parents and big sis. In the future I'd like to be a teacher for kids in pre-school. And I'd like my parents to accept who I am... Well soon I'll get an own apartment. Aaah why do I have one  year left in school? Hope it'll be 'fun'. "Haha hahahaha haha ha"...sure...
Name: Eve Maria Johnson
Age: 19
Height: 162 cm
Hair-colour: Blonde
Eye-colour: like somewhere between blue and violet.
Siblings: Adam
Favorite colour: Green
Status: Single
Hello I'm Eve :) I live in London with my family. I'm studying to become a doctor/nurse but that's not what I want to be, I'd rather be an artist because I love to paint and draw. Hope my parents wont be too mad if I drop off... But I never wanted this education in the first place. Suppose I can do both... Maybye....

A/N: Haii :) school today... Again :( äre helt zeppat om man redan tröttnat? Jag har det fast kanske inte riktigt på skolan, utan min klass... Är typ helt sure att ingen i min klass läser detta så.... Men om nån av er gör det så skrev jag absolut inte det där för att va elak. Well well slutar 2 idag så det är väl bara bra. 2 citat som passar mitt humör:
"When you see my face hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you. When you this song you sing along but you never tell. Then you're a fool I'm just as well hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell"
"Just go ahead hate in me, run your mouth so everyone can hear. Hit me with the worst you got knock me down, baby I don't care. Just keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out: you wanna be, you wanna be a loser like me. A loser like me" 
Luv yah/Bebsta' ;D


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