My body feels Im on my knees praying-lite info...

Name: Elyze Cynthyah Rainbird (Elyze is pronunced Elise)
Nicknames: Liz, Ellie
Age: 17
Height:168,5 cm
Hair-colour: Red-brown
Eye-colour: Dark blue
Haii! My name's Elyze, but people mostly call me Liz :) I'm just another ordinary person... I live with my mom and my very, very annoying little-bro Peter(who is 5) in London :) We have a cat also who is named Butterfly for some reason, I don't know why, it was Peter who named her (He LOVES cats);D Anyway, that was just a little short (VERY SHORT!) introduction of me, bye! :)
A/N: It's always Elyze's p.o.v if I don't write something else. Italic text is thoughts. Hope you'll like it <3 /Bebsta' :)


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här läser du fanfics och noveller av Elsa och Ebba (båda 13 år). Vi bor i Örebro och om du ska kopiera våra berättelser eller ta någonting "coolt" ifrån de så fråga om lov och ge oss cred.

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